Department of Transportation






July 2024

Alternative Project Delivery

NJDOT Design-Build Workshop Presentation


August 2022

Salary Cost Escalation for Consultants, updated 8-12-2022


June 2022

This notice is to inform the consultant industry that it is a violation of NJDOT Policy and the State Information Security Manual (SISM) to provide NJDOT staff with consultant purchased computing equipment, such as laptops, cell phones, and removable storage devices.


Any non-NJDOT equipment will be confiscated by NJDOT’s IT Division, data will be extracted and copied to the State network, backed up for record retention, and then disposed of per NJDOT IT disposal policy.


November 2020

Salary Cost Escalation Letter for Consultants, updated 11-25-2020


April 2016

Consultants are required to submit a Certified Payroll to the Department's Contract Manager at the time of; (1) prequalification (2) agreement, (3) task order, (4) consultant agreement modification, and/or (5) consultant agreement addendum.The certified payroll roster is required for the prime and all cost basis approved subconsultants and will be retained by Professional Services. Consultant titles should be the same on Title Concurrence Sheets, Certified Payroll, Cost Proposals, and Invoices.

February 1, 2016

All procurement vendors are now required to register and update their vendor information via the online NJSTART procurement application at NJSTART Online. This applies to both new and existing procurement vendors.

NJSTART Help Desk Support may be reached at 609-341-3500 (option #1) or NJSTART@TREAS.NJ.GOV

January 8, 2016

Firms will no longer be notified via e-mail when agreement selections are posted on the Professional Services website. Receipt of the Project Manager's Comment Form will convey that selections have been posted. Thus, Professional Services will now begin providing a written summary of the Project Manager’s comments automatically to all firms who submitted proposals.

December 16, 2015

Audit Non-Compliance has been added as a Consultant Selection Committee Judgement Factor. These factors can be viewed under the Consultant Selections Section of the Professional Services website. By March 1, 2016, the Audit Non-Compliance List will also be posted.

July 21, 2015

A New and improved Two-Year Chapter 51/Executive Order 117 Vendor Certification and Disclosure of Political Contributions form is now available on the Treasury website.

The form can be found online by going to the following web link and scrolling to “VENDOR FORMS REQUIRED FOR CONTRACT AWARD.”

January 5, 2015

Title VI Nondiscrimination Notice to Sub-recipients of Federal Financial Assistance

January 5, 2015

Any personal information such as Social Security numbers, home address, etc. should NOT be included in a Technical Proposal (TP) submission. Please redact this information from certificates and/or resumes before including them in a TP

January 31, 2014

Prime Consultants:
Ensure that proposed professional services firms (sub-consultants) are cost basis approved prior to the closing date of the solicitation or modification proposal by checking the website. NJDOT Professional Services - Cost Basis Approvals

These firms must be identified in the sub-consultant section of the proposal and not Direct Expense. Both Federally and State funded contracts must utilize firms that are cost basis approved.

Last updated date: July 20, 2023 9:05 AM