Department of Transportation





All prequalification applications should be emailed, we are no longer requiring hard copies.

Certified Payroll is a requirement Prequalification. Individuals proposed for prequalification must be employed by the firm submitting; use of subconsultant personnel is prohibited.

A consultant must be prequalified by NJDOT to submit technical proposals. To be a subconsultant, only cost basis approval is required. The lists below are udated periodically and may not reflect the most current conditions. Please verify before use. The official information is maintained by Professional Services. New Jersey Department of Transportation’s prequalification is only for Department projects. The NJDOT does not prequalify consultants for other organizations.

Consultant Requirements for PS-24 Prequalification

Prequalification packages must be submitted at a minimum, five (5) business days prior to any proposal submission date to allow for proper review and approval of the package.

Cost Basis Approval

Cost basis approval packages must be submitted, at a minimum, twenty (20) days prior to any proposal submission date to allow for proper review. Take note of the Anticipated Solicitations page and plan accordingly if your firm requires cost basis approval (primes and subs) and/or prequalification (primes only). Additionally, firms that are a sub/affiliate to a parent entity should submit their own CBA information based on their financial situation and not the parent entity.

Quality Management Plans

List of Prequalified Consultants and Approved Disciplines

Last updated date: July 20, 2023 12:43 PM