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Division of Risk Management

All State employees involved in any State vehicle accident or incident must file their RM1 incident report using the digital form on this platform. The digital form is required for any incident or accident involving any of the vehicles listed below:

  • Pool or assigned State vehicles
  • Rental vehicles secured by a State agency
  • Personal automobiles State employees use for official State Business
  • Vehicles that State Colleges and Universities own under the Executive Auto Program
  • Vehicles with State VIP plates, Cabinet plates, or Confidential plates
  • Vehicles on loan to or authorized for use by a State agency from another government or private entity.

Please view the instructions on how to complete the form. Click the “Forms” tab and select the drop down entitled “State employees, Departments and Agencies”.

RM1 Instructions

Instructions for completing the form: The items enumerated below will help you navigate the form, while ensuring compliance with the Division of Risk Management (“DRM”) requirements.

  1. The State driver, the employee assigned to the vehicle, or designee must submit the form within 24 hours or one (1) business day from the date of the accident or incident. The State Department or agency must submit the form to DRM within 72 hours or 3 business days from the date of accident or incident.
  2. The supervisor, designee, and fleet vehicle coordinator's last name, as well as their State-issued email address must be entered correctly. The system will automatically send an email, with a link, for the supervisor's review and signature. The same email link will be sent to the fleet vehicle coordinator after the supervisor or designee reviews and signs the form. All email addresses entered should be verified by checking the Employee Directory or Outlook before submitting the form.
  3. Supervisors and Fleet Vehicle Coordinators should make any necessary revisions, and add any relevant data the employee may have left out, if it is readily available to them within the 72 hours (3 business day) window. Under no circumstances should the employee or any other filer be directed to fill out or submit a second digital RM1 form for the same incident. The original RM1 submission is automatically assigned a case/incident number the minute the employee completes the first page of the form. In the unlikely event that the employee or supervisor fails to sign the form electronically, the filer can do so on their behalf, while documenting it in the supervisor or fleet vehicle coordinator "Comments" section of the form.
  4. How to Copy and Paste a Link: Right click on the link, select "Copy Hyperlink" or "Copy Link", and open the Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, or Firefox browser, then paste it in the address bar of the browser ( select Paste or Paste and go to…) Please note that the links do not open with Internet Explorer. Should you be unable to access the RM1 or document upload forms after typing your last name and email address, you should ask one of the senders that signed the form (employee, designee, or supervisor) to open the form link on their email, and verify the spelling of your last name above the "submit" button. You will then proceed to enter your last name as reported, even if misspelled.
  5. All parties will receive a system-generated email from confirming that the incident form has been submitted to DRM, with a link for them to upload any additional documents they may receive at a later date, i.e. police report, estimates, internal agency investigation report, etc. This email also includes a PDF version of the completed RM1 for the employee, supervisor, and fleet vehicle coordinator to either print or save, if they choose to do so.
  6. Saving the Incident Form to Complete at a Later Time: When you enter your email on the first page of the form, a link will be sent to the email provided with a saved/updated copy of the form should you need to complete it at a later time. Please do not enter your email address or other information in the RM1 Form unless you are reporting and filing an actual accident or incident, as such action will generate a "fake" incident and case in the system. This will lead to unnecessary systems-generated notices mandating the final completion and submission of the form, which may potentially adversely affect you.
  7. Estimates, Work Orders and Invoices: Estimates must be submitted with the corresponding final invoice or work order, as one final packet. If the final invoice is not complete or available at the time, the estimate should not be uploaded onto the RM1 form or "Upload Document Link" until the supporting documentation is made available to you. Please note the following:
    • Submit estimates and related documents for State Vehicles only
    • Do not submit or upload estimates or final invoices (work orders) for rental vehicles, personal automobiles, vehicles under the university Executive Auto Program, or vehicles on loan to a State agency from another government or private entity.
  8. You must select one of the 3 choices at the top of the form. The last choice with “Non-State Employee driver of a State Vehicle” is for cases where a vendor, volunteer, private citizen, or an unlawful/unauthorized driver who stole the State vehicle is involved in any type of incident or accident while operating the “State vehicle”.
  9. If the State vehicle was stolen but not involved in any accident or incident with an unlawful/unauthorized operator, you cannot select this choice. If that is the case, you must select one of the two (2) other options at the top of the form, and then click on “Non-Collision”, followed by “stolen vehicle”.
  10. Collision or Non-Collision Incident: You must select one or the other. The incident types that apply to each will be clearly highlighted once you click on it. Since an accident could involve several incident types, you must select all that apply. See illustration below:
    Non-Collision: A “Stolen vehicle” could result in “Vandalism” and/or “Fire” damage.
    Collision: A rear end “Collision with Other Vehicle” could result in the State vehicle being pushed into a “Pedestrian” and/or into a “fixed object”.
  11. Injury to Occupant in Non-Collision Event: You must select this incident type when a passenger or operator claims to have sustained injury when the State vehicle is involved in any incident or maneuver that does not involve a collision, i.e. DOC or JJC inmate-prisoner claims to have sustained injury when the officer stopped abruptly, made a sharp turn, etc.
  12. Plate number does not begin with SG, TD, SP, or TP: If you enter a plate number that does not begin with a State government prefix, you will be directed to a drop down to select if the plate is : “Confidential”, “VIP Plate”, “Cabinet Plate”, “Rental Vehicle secured by a State Agency”, “the employee’s personal vehicle used for official State business”, a vehicle State Colleges and Universities own under the “Executive Auto Program”, or “Other”, for you to specify. If you select confidential or VIP plate, you will be required to enter the corresponding plate number that begins with the government prefix (SG, TD, SP, etc.)
  13. Defensive Driving Course: Answers pertaining to a State Department Sponsored Defensive Driving Course are limited to those courses offered by or through your Department or Agency in an online or classroom setting, and the on-line Statewide Defensive Driving Course offered on the CSC website, through the State Accident Review Board and DRM. You should not include courses unrelated to your employment or those that were court-ordered.

Last Updated: Friday, 06/28/24