New Jersey Department of Education

Teacher Practice

Teacher practice is measured by performance on a teacher practice evaluation instrument, which is used to gather evidence primarily through classroom observations. Districts have the flexibility to choose from a growing list state-approved instruments.

Observation Requirements

Tenured Teachers
  • Two required observations each school year.
  • Each observation must be at least 20 minutes.
  • Commissioner-approved activity observation option for highly effective teachers.
Non-Tenured Teachers
  • Three required observations each school year.
  • Each observation must be at least 20 minutes.

    Teachers who end the school year with an Ineffective or Partially Effective rating are required to have an additional observation the following year as part of their corrective action plan.

    Observation Details

    Announced vs. Unannounced
    Within the minimum requirements, all teachers must have at least one unannounced and one announced observation with a pre-conference.
    Leave of Absences
    • Non-tenured teachers present for less than 40% total school days in an academic year must have a minimum of two observations.
    • Tenured teachers must have two observations, regardless of time absent.
    Post-conferences between teachers and their supervisors are required following each observation. These conferences must all be face-to-face for non-tenured teachers and at least one must be face-to-face for tenured teachers within 15 teaching staff member working days.

    All observers must:

    • Be trained on the instrument before observing for the purpose of evaluation.
    • Participate in at least two co-observations.
    • Participate in annual refresher training. 

    Superintendents or chief school administrators (CSAs) must certify each year that all observers have been trained.

    Options for Highly Effective Educators

    A tenured teacher who was rated highly effective on their most recent summative evaluation may use a Commissioner-approved Reflective Practice Protocol activity for one of their required observations.

    Page Last Updated: 08/16/2024

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