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Office of the Secretary of Higher Education

SARA Application Process

New Jersey institutions seeking to join or renew their SARA members should complete this application.

Completed membership applications should be sent in pdf format to Eric Taylor, Director of the Office of Licensure, at along with any questions about the application form or process. A list of current SARA members located in New Jersey can be found here.

SARA Membership Reconsideration

For initial applicants:

An institution that has had its initial membership application denied by OSHE shall have the opportunity to request a reconsideration of the denial. OSHE will provide its determination in writing to such an institution along with a statement that sets forth the reason or reasons for the denial. The institution shall have 10 days after receiving such notice from OSHE to submit its request for reconsideration in writing to The request must set forth the reasons that the institution believes that OSHE should approve the application. Upon receipt of the request, OSHE shall do the following:

  1. Within 15 days, convene a three-member panel comprised of OSHE staff who were not involved in the initial determination;
  2. The panel will review the application and the request for reconsideration;
  3. Within 30 days of the request for reconsideration, the panel will make a final decision as to whether OSHE should overturn the denial;
  4. The final agency decision will be sent to the institution in writing within seven days of the panel's determination.

The final agency decision constitutes final agency action appealable to the Superior Court, Appellate Division, pursuant to the Rules Governing the Courts of the State of New Jersey, R. 2:2-3.

For current members:

Before OSHE revokes or suspends an institution's SARA membership, the institution shall have the opportunity for a contested case hearing pursuant to the Administrative Procedure Act, N.J.S.A. 52:14B-1 et seq., and 52:14F-1 et seq., and the Uniform Administrative Procedure Rules, N.J.A.C. 1:1. The institution shall submit its request for a hearing to within 15 days of receiving notice from OSHE of the proposed action to revoke or suspend the membership.

Last Updated: Friday, 04/22/22