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Office of the Secretary of Higher Education

Statewide 'Some College, No Degree' Initiative

It is estimated by the National Student Clearinghouse that in New Jersey more than 790,000 residents have earned some college credit but left school before completing their credential or degree.

Through New Jersey's multi-faceted statewide 'Some College, No Degree' (SCND) initiative, the Office of the Secretary of Higher Education (OSHE) is working to re-engage this demographic of students to complete their college degree— a credential that remains imperative to boosting future career opportunities, earnings, and, more broadly, New Jersey's economy.

With nearly a million people in New Jersey missing out on the life changing opportunity that a high-quality degree or credential provides, these efforts are also key in reaching the State's attainment goal of 65 percent of working age New Jerseyans holding a high-quality credential by 2025.

From Outreach to Outcomes: Re-engaging students through the Some College, No Degree Initiative

In spring 2023, OSHE launched an innovative partnership with ReUp Education as part of the statewide Some College, No Degree initiative. Through the partnership, ReUp Education is working directly with 22 institutions of higher education in New Jersey to identify, reach, and engage adult learners who stopped out of college and need support to re-enroll.

Already, over 5,230 students have re-enrolled to continue their educational journey. See outcomes of the partnership in our most recent brief: Highlights from the 2024 Some College, No Degree Initiative

For more information about the partnership with ReUp, read our Launch Announcement, our Expansion Announcement, and our past highlights from the 2023 Some College, No Degree Initiative .

Last Updated: Wednesday, 07/17/24