State of New Jersey
Department of Corrections
"Protecting Public Safety by Changing Offender Behavior"
                         Victoria L. Kuhn, Esq.

Annual Major Discipline Reporting

Pursuant to Attorney General Law Enforcement Directive No. 2022-14, every state, county, and local law enforcement agency in New Jersey is required to submit to the Attorney General and the County Prosecutor, and publish on the agency's public website, a brief synopsis of all complaints where a termination, reduction in rank or grade, and/or suspension of more than five days, as well as sustained findings listed in the above directive, regardless of the type or severity of discipline imposed, was assessed to an agency member.

The New Jersey Department of Corrections standardizes its major discipline reports by location, such as correctional facility and Central Office Headquarters.

Adult Diagnostic and Treatment Center Bayside State Prison Central Office East Jersey State Prison Edna Mahan Correctional Facility Garden State Correctional Facility Mid-State Correctional Facility New Jersey State Prison Northern State Prison South Woods State Prison
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