Student Attendance & Chronic Absenteeism

Research shows that a positive school climate and culture can help prevent chronic absenteeism and foster regular student attendance. Students who feel safe, supported, and engaged are more likely to attend school consistently.  Regular attendance is crucial to bolstering student achievement.

The New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) recognizes the tremendous efforts of school communities working tirelessly to promote students’ regular school attendance. To help schools in these continued efforts, the NJDOE is providing school communities with a continuum of resources designed to address high rates of “chronic absenteeism”. The resources highlighted on this page to address chronic absenteeism are closely linked to fostering safe and inclusive learning environments that encourage consistent attendance.

This webpage offers a collection of resources designed to assist local educational agencies in addressing chronic absenteeism by fostering safe and inclusive learning environments that encourage consistent attendance.

The circle icon from the Conditions for Learning logo that highlights chronic absenteeism

Understanding and addressing the root causes of chronic absenteeism is essential. Through a collaborative effort, local educational agencies can decrease chronic absenteeism and increase opportunities to support students to reach their full potential.

To assist schools and districts in preventing and addressing chronic absenteeism, the New Jersey Department of Education provides guidance and resources. Data-Based Decision Making for Addressing Chronic Absenteeism is a resource that was developed to provide districts with guidance on responding to chronic absenteeism as well as encouraging regular school attendance. The guidance incorporates New Jersey specific rules, regulations, and a span of available resources. Schools and districts can refer to this resource to develop research-based action plans (PDF/Word) that include strategies that specifically target the barriers contributing to their students’ absences. This resource provides a step-by-step guide that begins with identifying key district members, collecting and analyzing actionable data, and aids districts in ultimately installing and operating a tiered model to address student absenteeism as well as encourage regular attendance.

A positive school climate and culture play a pivotal role in preventing chronic absenteeism and fostering regular student attendance. When students feel safe, supported, and engaged, they are more likely to attend school consistently. Creating an environment where students feel a sense of belonging and respect encourages their active participation and investment in their education. By prioritizing a positive school environment, we provide the foundation for a supportive community that not only draws students into the classroom but also inspires them to excel. Below are resources local educational agencies can explore to strengthen their school climate and culture systems.

The part of the logo that highlights climate and culture which includes a circle and the NJ SCI icon in the middle.

The part of the logo that highlights New Jersey Tiered Systems of Support which includes the a red circle and the tiered system triangle and logo in the middle.

The New Jersey Tiered System of Supports is a framework that aids districts in allocating their resources efficiently and most effectively using data-informed processes to provide strategies and interventions that support all students in achieving success. NJTSS provides a structured framework to identify and address students' academic, behavioral, and social-emotional needs at all levels. Through early identification and targeted interventions, NJTSS ensures that students receive the appropriate support they need to overcome barriers to attendance. Implementing NJTSS with fidelity creates a supportive school environment that strengthens the connection between schools and families, emphasizing the importance of every student's attendance and involvement. Strengthening the greater school community partnerships promises better attendance and greater success for all students. The resources below will assist local educational agencies to establish and operate local tiered systems of support:

School districts can leverage Federal Funds to address chronic absenteeism and promote regular attendance by investing in comprehensive support systems that identify and address the root causes of absenteeism. This can include funding for mental health services, transportation solutions, and family engagement programs that bridge the gap between home and school. Additionally, districts can allocate resources towards training staff on early intervention strategies and creating positive school climates that encourage regular attendance. The NJDOE’s resources walk users through a step-by-step process for using emergency American Rescue Plan dollars before the grant period ends fall 2024, and additional tools explain how additional Federal funds can be strategically combined to sustain successful programs and student supports. 

The maximizing federal funds section of the logo that highlights the ESSER initiative logo inside of a blue circle.

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