Please select the applicable accordion to see information pertaining to other related programs.
The New Jersey State Employees Deferred Compensation Plan
The NJSEDCP, also called Deferred Comp, is a voluntary investment program that provides retirement income separate from, and in addition to, your basic pension plan. You can shelter a part of your wages from federal income taxes while saving for retirement.
To enroll, you must work for the State of New Jersey or an eligible agency, authority, or commission of State government. If you work for a county, township, or municipality and are not paid directly by the State or one of its agencies, you are not eligible for the NJSEDCP.
The NJSEDCP is handled by Empower (formerly Prudential). You can go to Empower's NJSEDCP website or you can call them at 1-866-NJSEDCP.
See our Fact Sheet, Deferred Compensation — NJSEDCP , for full details about this plan.
Deferred Compensation Plan Document (Information Statement)
The Supplemental Annuity Collective Trust (SACT) of New Jersey
The SACT is a voluntary investment program that provides retirement income separate from, and in addition to, your basic pension plan. The program consists of two separate plans: the SACT-Regular Plan and the SACT-Tax-Sheltered Plan.
Contact SACT
Contact the SACT at the NJDPB in writing or by calling 609-292-7524.
SACT Plan Forms
Commuter Tax$ave
The New Jersey State Employees Commuter Tax Savings Program, Commuter Tax$ave, lets you set aside before-tax dollars to pay for mass transit and commuter parking expenses, so you can avoid federal taxes and save money.
See our fact sheet, Commuter Tax$ave , and the Transit and Parking Flex Guide for details about eligibility and program benefits.Commuter Tax$ave is handled by Edenred Commuter Benefit Solutions.
You can enroll on Commuter Tax$ave or by calling Edenred at 1-866-512-8769.
The State Employee Tax Savings Program, Tax$ave, lets you set aside before-tax dollars to pay certain medical, dental, and dependent care costs, which helps you avoid federal taxes and save money.
Tax$ave is made up of three separate plans:
See our fact sheet Tax$ave , for details about eligibility and the benefits under its component plans.
You must enroll in a Flexible Spending Account (FSA) each year in order to participate.
Horizon MyWay administers the Tax$ave Unreimbursed Medical and Dependent Care FSAs for the NJDPB for all State employees, regardless of whether they are enrolled in a Horizon or Aetna medical plan. You may contact Horizon MyWay customer service toll-free 1-888-215-0025. You may choose from the following enrollment options:
2025 Tax$ave Publications
Horizon MyWay FSA Enrollment Form or enroll online.
Horizon MyWay Change In Status Form
Tax$ave Open Enrollment Newsletter
Flexible Spending Account Quick Reference Guide
Flexible Spending Account Essential Guide
COBRA Continuation Coverage Notice
Paper applications can be printed and mailed or faxed to the address/number provided on the form.
Section 125 Plans for Local Employers
The Tax$ave Program is only available to eligible State employees.
Local government and local education employers are required to offer Section 125 plans to their employees; however, local employers must have their own Section 125 programs. Local employees should contact their benefits administrator to learn about the specific plans and benefits that are available.
Declination of POP
Enrollment in the Premium Option Plan (POP) is automatic unless you submit a Declination of Premium Option Plan form.
By declining POP you choose to pay more in taxes. To decline enrollment in this tax-saving plan, use the form for State Employees or for State College Employees .
The Additional Contributions Tax-Sheltered program (ACTS)
The ACTS Program is a voluntary investment program that provides retirement income separate from, and in addition to, your basic pension plan. To be eligible, you must be an employee of a county or State college or university, the Commission on Higher Education, the Department of Education, or the Office of Student Assistance. You choose from six carriers who offer a selection of investment choices to meet your needs and goals of retirement planning.
See our fact sheet, Additional Contributions Tax-Sheltered (ACTS) Program , for details on ACTS eligibility, contribution limits, and plan restrictions.
ACTS Enrollment
To enroll in ACTS, see your benefits administrator.
ACTS Forms
ACTS Salary Reduction Agreement
ACTS Provider Election and Allocation
ACTS Providers
The following providers have been approved by the NJDPB to offer annuity investment accounts for ACTS members. For specific information on ACTS providers and investments, contact the providers directly.
Participation in the Long-term Care Insurance Plan is available to individuals and eligible family members enrolled prior to August 1, 2012. This coverage is guaranteed renewable; as long as the premiums are paid on time and benefits are not exhausted, coverage will remain in place, although premiums may change subject to regulatory review.
The Long-term Care Insurance Plan is administered for the State of New Jersey by the Empower Insurance Company of America.
Questions related to this announcement can be directed to Empower's Long-Term Care Customer Service Center at 1-800-732-0416 Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., EST.
More videos are available to view in our Video Library
Retirement Types, Eligibility & Calculations
Retired Benefitsolver Guide
Solving MBOS Login Issues Part 1