This tool is for information purposes only. For additional information, please see:
Preliminary questions:
Is this proposal a private or public development? public private
Are you a qualified tax exempt religious association or corporation or a qualified non-profit organization? Yes No
Is this proposal non-residential development to be served by an alternate design nitrogen-reducing septic system? Yes No
Is this proposal for the review of any study or survey (cultural, threatened & endangered species, etc.) prior to the submission of a development application? Yes No
Is this proposal associated with an application for a General Development Plan (GDP)? Yes No
Select Development Type(s) Proposed:Note: If 2 or more development types proposed, the application fee is the combined total of the fees for each development type.
Minimum Application Fee = $250
# of Units and # of Lots The fee is based on the number of dwelling units or lots proposed, whichever is greater; e.g. if you are proposing a 54 lot subdivision with 50 single family dwellings, 2 open space lots a stormwater lot and a clubhouse, you would enter 50 in the # of units and 54 in the # of lots.
Subdivision only
# of Lots
Demolition of a structure, 50 years old or older
# of structures
Off- road vehicle event
# of miles or portion thereof – round up to whole miles
Forestry application (initial or renewal) involving 10 or more acres
# of acres or portion thereof – round up to whole acres
Golf course
Linear development
# of acres or portion thereof disturbed - in the right of way and outside of right of way – round up to whole acres
Resource extraction
Change of use with no additional development (not served by public sanitary sewer)
Commercial, Institutional, Industrial or other Non-Residential Development
$ of Construction Costs
Solar Energy Facilities
# of acres or portion thereof to be developed (disturbed) - round up to whole acres
Wells in Kirkwood-Cohansey aquifer subject to N.J.A.C. 7:50-6.86(d) (new diversion/allocation increase resulting in a total diversion of >= 50,000 gallons/day).
Wells not subject to N.J.A.C. 7:50-6.86(d)