The Pinelands Commission’s Policy and Implementation Committee reviews major policy issues, including the development and consideration of amendments to the Pinelands Comprehensive Management Plan (CMP) and other initiatives or special projects, and it makes recommendations to the full, 15-member Commission.
For example, the Committee:
Policy and Implementation Committee members:
Laura E. Matos (Chair), Alan Avery, Jr., Jerome Irick, Theresa Lettman, Mark Lohbauer, and Doug Wallner
Policy and Implementation Committee Meetings
Please call the Pinelands Commission's Office at (609) 894-7300 for meeting location, time and agenda items, or log on to the Meetings page
The Pinelands Commission's Personnel and Budget Committee advises the Commission on business and operational matters. The Committee's responsibilities include the annual budget, other fiduciary policies and practices, human resource and employee compensation matters, personnel policies, information management systems, insurance, contracting and the maintenance of buildings and grounds.
Personnel and Budget Committee members:
Alan W. Avery, Jr. (Chairman), Nick Asselta, Mark Lohbauer, Laura E. Matos, William Pikolycky
Personnel and Budget Committee Meetings
Please call the Pinelands Commission's Office at (609) 894-7300 for meeting location, time and agenda items, or log on to the Meetings page.
The Pinelands Commission's Climate Committee reviews the potential effects of climate change in the Pinelands and considers measures to mitigate impacts.
Pinelands Climate Committee Members:
Mark Lohbauer (Chairman), Jerome Irick, Theresa Lettman, Mark Mauriello, Jonathan Meade and Jessica Rittler Sanchez. Alternate: Laura E. Matos
Pinelands Climate Committee Meetings:
Please call the Pinelands Commission's Office at (609) 894-7300 for meeting location, time and agenda items, or log on to the Meetings page.
Please also see our Climate Change webpage by clicking here.
Related Documents:
July 14, 2021: Presentation on Forest Carbon and Climate Information by the New Jersey Forest Service
March 17, 2021: Presentation on Climate Change, Fire and Forestry by Leslie Jones Sauer
March 17, 2021: Pinelands Conservation Fund -- Permanent Land Protection Update
March 17, 2021: Presentation on Forest Stewardship by the New Jersey Audubon Society
January 20, 2021: Solar Energy Facilities in the Pinelands Area
January 20, 2021: Estimating Risk of Flooding from Sea Level Rise
November 13, 2020: Draft Resolution Regarding Climate Change Principles
October 30, 2020: 2021 Readiness and Environmental Protection Integration Program Challenge
October 7, 2020 Presentation on NJPACT & NJDEP's Land Resource Protection Rules -- Vince Mazzei, P.E.
November 8, 2019 Presentation on Climate Projections and Potential Actions -- Michael B. Gerrard
Presentation on the Potential Impacts of Climate Change on the New Jersey Pinelands
List of Possible Climate Change Actions Plan (4/22/2019 Draft)
The Pinelands Commission’s Agriculture Committee reviews agriculturally-related policy issues, including proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Management Plan, permitting requirements, proposed legislation and rulemaking efforts by other agencies, and makes recommendations to the full, 15-member Commission.
Agriculture Committee Members:
Mark Lohbauer
Agriculture Committee Meetings:
Please call the Pinelands Commission's Office at (609) 894-7300 for meeting location, time and agenda items, or log on to the Meetings page.