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Planning for Wireless Communication Facilities
Summary of Approved Comprehensive Plans
Commission Approved Comprehensive Plans


In order to protect the scenic resources of the Pinelands Area, the Pinelands Comprehensive Management Plan (CMP) limits the height of structures based on their use and location. Prior to 1995, the CMP limited most structures to a height of 35 feet in all Pinelands management areas except Regional Growth Areas and Pinelands Towns. This restricted the ability to site wireless facilities (or cell towers) in about 89% of the Pinelands Area.

In 1995, the Commission amended the CMP in recognition of the growing demand for wireless services within the Pinelands Area. These new rules provided municipalities with the option of permitting wireless facilities with heights exceeding 35 feet provided that the facility met the CMP’s procedures and siting standards (N.J.A.C. 7:50-5.4(c)).

The new rules also promoted a comprehensive planning approach by requiring wireless providers of like-service to jointly submit a comprehensive plan for wireless facilities for the entire Pinelands Area. Plans were required to include the locations of all existing facilities as well as the approximate location and search area extent of future facilities expected to be needed within a ten-year time horizon. A major objective of this planning process, as required by the CMP, is to ensure that the least number of facilities necessary to provide adequate service are sited in the most ecologically sensitive management areas of the Pinelands Area.

Once a plan is approved by the Commission, applications to construct individual wireless facilities are reviewed in accordance with the CMP’s environmental regulations and standards for siting wireless facilities as well as the approved comprehensive plan (which specifies the approximate locations of planned facilities).

The first comprehensive wireless plan was approved in 1998. The spatial configuration of existing and proposed facilities outlined in the initial plan has been expanded through subsequent plans approved by the Commission. To date, there have been six plans total. The table below summarizes these plans with additional .pdf documents available for download below the table.

If you have any questions regarding the planning process, approved plans, or a proposal to amend an approved plan, please contact the Planning Office at

If you have any questions regarding an application for the development of a new wireless facility, please contact the Regulatory Programs Office at


Summary of Approved Comprehensive Plans


Commission Approved Comprehensive Plans

Cellular Plan (1998)

Resolution and Complete Executive Director’s Report (18.5 MB)

PCS Plan (2000)

Resolution and Complete Executive Director’s Report (4 MB)

AT&T Plan (2003)

Resolution and Complete Executive Director’s Report (3.2 MB)

T-Mobile Plan (2011)

Resolution and Complete Executive Director’s Report (30.4 MB)

Sprint Plan (2013)

Resolution and Complete Executive Director’s Report (10.2 MB)

Public Safety Tower Plan

- 2012 Comprehensive Plan

   Resolution and Complete Executive Director’s Report (66.4 MB)

- 2017 Amendment

  Resolution and Complete Executive Director’s Report (1.6 MB)

AT&T Data -- 2019 (159 MB; mpk file)

Examples of Wireless Communication Facilities in the Pinelands:    
