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Economic Monitoring

Long-Term Economic Monitoring Program

The Pinelands Commission has engaged in long-term economic monitoring of the Pinelands Area since 1997. Relying on publicly available data from other State and federal agencies, the Commission analyzed and reported on trends on various economic parameters with topics related to population, real estate, economy, and municipal finance. The Commission issued reports annually until 2015. The 2017 report covered two years of data, including 2015 and 2016. Following the release of the 2017 Long-Term Economic Monitoring Report, the Pinelands Commission moved to a five-year report cycle, rather than annual. Funding for the Long-Term Economic Monitoring program comes from the National Park Service.

The 2022 Long Term Economic Monitoring Report, adding data from 2018 through 2022, is linked below. The 2022 Report analyzes trends for selected economic datasets across three regional geographic areas including the Pinelands Area, the non-Pinelands Area, and the entire State. The Pinelands Area represents data aggregated for the 47 municipalities with at least 90% of their total area inside the Pinelands Area boundary. The non-Pinelands Area is made up of municipalities having less than 10% of their land area inside the Pinelands Area, plus all municipalities outside the Pinelands Area but within the eight counties in southern New Jersey. Within the regional geography, data are typically aggregated at the municipal level such that data for an entire municipality is included and it is not split to reflect only that portion of the municipality that is located within the Pinelands Area or other geographic area.

In addition, the Commission issues the Municipal Fact Book. The Fact Book includes a page for all municipalities with any portion of the land area inside the Pinelands Area and each of the counties that contain a portion of the Pinelands Area. The Fact Book reports on the status of a more limited set of variables as of the most recent year for which data were available. The Fact Book is available through the link below.

Please see the links below under "Long Term Economic Monitoring Report" for the most recent and earlier editions of the Long Term Economic Monitoring Report and municipal Fact Books.

Long-Term Economic Monitoring Report

Full Report - 2022
Municipal Fact Book - 2022

Full Report - 2017
Municipal Fact Book - 2017

Full Report - 2013
Municipal Fact Book - 2013

Full Report - 2011-12
Municipal Fact Book - 2011-2012

Full Report - 2010
Municipal Fact Book  - 2010

Full Report - 2009
Municipal Fact Book - 2009

Full Report - 2008
Municipal Fact Book - 2008

Full Report - 2007
Municipal Fact Book - 2007

Full Report - 2006
Municipal Fact Book - 2006

Full Report - 2005
Municipal Fact Book - 2005

Executive Summary - 2004
Full Report - 2004
Municipal Fact Book -2004
Pinelands Population Reference - 2004

Executive Summary - 2003
Full Report - 2003
Fact Book - 2003

Municipal Fiscal Health Special Study

Draft Report - July 2008