1. As used in this act:
"Local agency" means any department of a political subdivision of this State, or any division, office, agency, or bureau thereof that issues a permit to a business.
"Permit" means a permit, license, certificate, registration, compliance schedule, or any other form of permission or approval required by law to be issued by a State agency in order to engage in a business activity, or any other authorization related thereto, whether that authorization is in the form of a permit, approval, license, certification, waiver, letter of interpretation, agreement, or any other executive or administrative decision which allows a business to engage in an activity.
"State agency" means any New Jersey principal department or any division, office, agency, or bureau thereof that issues a permit to a business.
L.2011, c.34, s.1.
2. a. Consistent with the requirements of applicable statutes, the head of each State agency shall periodically conduct a comprehensive written review of all permits issued by the State agency, in order to identify:
(1) those permits that can be administered through an expedited process;
(2) those permits that are obsolete, are no longer necessary, or cost more to administer than the benefits they provide, and thus should be eliminated so long as the public health, safety, or general welfare is not endangered;
(3) those permits that can have their period of validity extended beyond the scheduled termination date without significant disruption to the efficiency or work of the State agency, so long as the public health, safety, or general welfare is not endangered; and
(4) those permitting procedures that can be better facilitated through the increased incorporation of computer-based technology, such as the Internet, or that can be completed online.
b. The head of each State agency shall include, as part of the comprehensive written review required by subsection a. of this section:
(1) a description of those permits identified pursuant to subsection a. of this section;
(2) a description of the recent actions taken by the State agency to:
(a) eliminate obsolete permits;
(b) extend the period of validity associated with non-obsolete permits;
(c) expedite the State agency's permitting procedures;
(d) facilitate the enhanced use of computer-based and Internet technology in such procedures; and
(e) reduce the number of permits that are backlogged;
(3) recommendations and explanations as to which of the State agency's remaining permitting procedures should be revised or simplified in order to further expedite the issuance of permits by the State agency and increase the use of computer-based technology, such as the Internet, in the State agency's permitting procedures; and
(4) the identification of those rules, regulations, and statutes administered by the State agency that would need to be revised or eliminated in order to effectuate the changes recommended pursuant to paragraph (3) of this subsection.
c. Upon completion of the comprehensive written review pursuant to subsection a. of this section, the head of each State agency shall submit the review to the Secretary of State or other State officer or employee designated by the Governor pursuant to section 3 of P.L.2011, c.34 (C.52:14B-28).
L.2011, c.34, s.2; amended 2015, c.88, s.1.
3. The Secretary of State or other State officer or employee as the Governor may designate to manage this program within the Department of State shall develop a system of consolidated and contemporaneous review of State and local agency-issued business permits for the purpose of accelerating the process of issuing business permits, eliminating redundancy among different levels of State and local government, and ensuring more consistency in permit issuance. This system shall be adopted by rule pursuant to the "Administrative Procedure Act," P.L.1968, c.410 (C.52:14B-1 et seq.).Under such system, any county or municipality issuing a business permit shall be encouraged and incentivized to voluntarily join in a collaborative effort to manage the permitting process for a business project with any State agency, as applicable to each project, and jointly agree on a process and schedule for a cooperative and contemporaneous handling of business permits and approvals. Any municipality issuing a business permit or approval pursuant to the "Municipal Land Use Law," P.L.1975, c.291 (C.40:55D-1 et seq.) shall not be subject to the provisions of this act. A permit or approval related to a federally-funded program or project or a permit or approval that is specified or determined by or pursuant to federal law or regulation shall not be subject to the provisions of this act.
L.2011, c.34, s.3.
4. Concerning any large, complex project having a significant potential employment or investment impact, the Secretary of State or other State officer or employee designated by the Governor pursuant to section 3 of P.L.2011, c.34 (C.52:14B-28) shall designate an employee of the Department of State from among those positions otherwise filled to act as a contact person to be responsible for assisting each business undertaking such project on an individual basis and to continue as the point of contact between that business and all appropriate government entities throughout the permit and approval application process. Concerning projects which require permits from multiple State and local agencies, the Secretary of State or the Governor's designee shall designate an employee of the Department of State from among those positions otherwise filled to guide such projects throughout the process of applying for and receiving any business permit or approval. The duties of the designated contact person shall include:
a. Developing, from the outset, a checklist of permits to which the applicable agencies agree;
b. Establishing a detailed course of actions and milestones for the permitting or approval process that shall be agreed to by the applicable agencies;
c. Reporting any impediments to, or conflicts regarding, milestones to the Secretary of State or the Governor's Designee, and promptly evaluating any disputes, delays, or other issues requiring centralized review; and
d. Coordinating as needed with the New Jersey Economic Development Authority to ensure that businesses considering investing in this State receive integrated project management of all State and local agency required permits and approvals.
L.2011, c.34, s.4.
5. a. The Secretary of State, or other State officer or employee designated by the Governor pursuant to section 3 of P.L.2011, c.34 (C.52:14B-28), shall submit, no less than biennially, a report to the Governor and, pursuant to section 2 of P.L.1991, c.164 (C.52:14-19.1), to the Legislature, summarizing the information contained in the comprehensive written reviews that have been submitted by the various State agencies pursuant to section 2 of P.L.2011, c.34 (C.52:14B-27). In particular, each report shall include:
(1) a summary of the actions taken by each State agency during the preceding period to:
(a) eliminate obsolete permits;
(b) extend the period of validity associated with non-obsolete permits;
(c) expedite the State agency's permitting procedures;
(d) facilitate the enhanced use of computer-based and Internet technology in such procedures; and
(e) reduce the number of permits that are backlogged;
(2) a description of the remaining permits that each State agency has identified as being obsolete and conducive to elimination;
(3) a description of the remaining permits that each State agency has indicated could have their period of validity extended beyond the scheduled termination date;
(4) a description of the remaining permitting procedures that each State agency has identified as being conducive to revision, simplification, or the greater incorporation of computer-based technology, such as the Internet;
(5) the identification, by name, of the counties and municipalities that are participating in cooperative and contemporaneous handling of business permits and approvals pursuant to section 3 of P.L.2011, c.34 (C.52:14B-28);
(6) the identification, by name and project, of the specific employees assigned as designated contact persons to specific projects pursuant to section 4 of P.L.2011, c.34 (C.52:14B-29), as well as a summary of actions taken on behalf of each project, and a description of the outcome of each project that was completed during the preceding period; and
(7) any information pertaining to other matters as the Secretary of State or the Governor's designee may find material.
b. The report required by subsection a. of this section shall be posted on the Department of State web site.
c. After due consideration of the report submitted in accordance with subsection a. of this section, the Governor may:
(1) direct the head of each State agency to make such changes to the State agency's permitting systems as may be appropriate, pursuant to current rules, regulations, and statutes, in order to effectuate those parts of the report the Governor deems necessary; and
(2) seek from the Legislature changes in the statutory law, including the amendment, repeal, or supplementation of various statutes as the Governor believes appropriate, in order to effectuate those parts of the report the Governor deems necessary.
d. The head of each State agency shall adopt such rules and regulations, pursuant to the "Administrative Procedure Act," P.L.1968, c.410 (C.52:14B-1 et seq.), and perform such duties, as the head of the State agency may deem necessary, in order to effectuate the regulatory changes identified in section 2 of P.L.2011, c.34 (C.52:14B-27) and this section.
L.2011, c.34, s.5; amended 2015, c.88, s.2.