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Department of State

The Hon. Tahesha Way, Lt. Governor and Secretary of State

New Jersey Historical Commission Board Approves Nearly $4.9 Million in Statewide Fiscal Year 2022 General Operating Support, Project, Co-Sponsored Project, and County History Partnership Program Grant Support

Funding to Support History Organizations, Projects, and Programs across all 21 Counties

Trenton, NJ –Strengthening its ongoing commitment to addressing the financial impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic while advancing its core mission to raise awareness of the state’s unique and diverse historical legacy, the New Jersey Historical Commission (NJHC) has approved approximately $4.9 million in Fiscal Year 2022 (FY 22) grant funding to over 100 historical organizations, museums, historic sites, archives, libraries, individuals, and county re-grant agencies across the state.

The $4.9 million in FY 22 funding will support the New Jersey Historical Commission’s General Operating Support (GOS) program, which covers an array of operational expenses for qualified history organizations; Projects and Co-Sponsored Projects, which includes New Jersey-based historical research, exhibits, programs, and archival work; and the County History Partnership Program (CHPP), which provides all 21 counties with funding for local history groups statewide. FY 22 funding will also be dedicated to planning, coordinating, and implementing initiatives to promote best practices in diversity, equity, and inclusion ahead of the NJHC’s new, three-year funding cycle in FY 2023.

“This marks another chapter in the Department of State’s continuing efforts to aid New Jersey’s history community in navigating the unprecedented financial challenges brought about by the pandemic,” noted Secretary of State Tahesha Way. “Funding for history organizations has increased considerably over the past two years, support that will not only secure the future of essential jobs, civics education, and programming across diverse disciplines, but serve to maximize the sector’s growth in the years to come.”

Despite being the first year where the severe impact of the COVID-19 pandemic was felt across the history community, the effect of NJHC grant funding for Fiscal Year 2020 was remarkable. Organizations that received approximately $1.45 million in General Operating Support (GOS) funding alone leveraged over $19 million in total spending, generated nearly $22 million in total income, offered on-and-off-site programs to more than 2 million people, welcomed an additional 8.5 million website visitors, and supported over 550 full and part-time jobs statewide.

“In such an unprecedented time for New Jersey’s history stakeholders, we are incredibly grateful that we have the increased funding and resources necessary to help organizations in so many essential ways,” said Sara Cureton, executive director of the New Jersey Historical Commission. “As sources of earned income dramatically decreased due to the pandemic, the Commission’s support – especially for general operating expenses – is vital. Whether it is increased support for traditional programs or working to help organizations achieve more inclusive interpretations to expand and diversify audiences, we are excited to see the benefits of these efforts in the upcoming year and beyond.”

For more information on the Commission’s grant programs, including the grant guidelines, please visit the New Jersey Historical Commission’s homepage:

The New Jersey Historical Commission’s grant awards are determined through an independent peer-review process. All funding is made possible by a portion of the revenue produced by the state’s Hotel/Motel Tax legislation.

The full list of Fiscal Year 2021 New Jersey Historical Commission grant recipients is provided at the following links:

FY 2022 New Jersey Historical Commission Grantees (ALL)
FY 2022 General Operating Support (GOS) Recipients
FY 2022 Project and Co-Sponsored Project Recipients
FY 2022 County History Partnership Program (CHPP) Recipients

About the New Jersey Historical Commission

The New Jersey Historical Commission (NJHC) is a state agency dedicated to the advancement of public knowledge and preservation of New Jersey history. Established by law in 1967, its work is founded on the fundamental belief that an understanding of our shared heritage is essential to sustaining a cohesive and robust democracy.


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