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Department of State

New Jersey-Israel Commission

The Hon. Tahesha Way, Secretary of State
New Jersey-Israel Commission

About the Commission


The mission of the New Jersey-Israel Commission is to foster economic, scientific, educational and cultural ties with the State of Israel, one of New Jersey's most important trading partners.


In 1988, under Governor Thomas H. Kean, a Sister State Agreement was signed between the State of Israel and the State of New Jersey.

The New Jersey-Israel Commission was established in 1989 to implement the goals of this agreement - to promote the development of trade, culture and educational exchanges; encourage the development of capital investment and joint business ventures; and foster a spirit of cooperation between the citizens of the State of Israel and the State of New Jersey.

The New Jersey-Israel Commission was placed under the purview of the Department of State in July, 2007. Prior to this, the Commission came under the New Jersey Commerce, Economic Development & Tourism Commission (which is now the New Jersey Commerce Commission).

Original summary of the Commission


The New Jersey – Israel Commission’s mission is to foster economic, scientific, educational and cultural ties with the State of Israel, one of New Jersey’s most important trading partners. The Governor appoints the public members of the Commission, which has five committees that focus on key areas of interest to achieve its objectives.


Business and Trade

New Jersey and Israel share a critical economic and business relationship. The Commission identifies opportunities for increased economic development between New Jersey and Israel, including joint business ventures, business attraction, and capital investment.



The Commission facilitates supports and encourages bilateral higher educational relations, collaborative research opportunities, and building strong partnerships between leading academic institutions in New Jersey and Israel from student engagement to commercialization of technologies.


Culture and Community Engagement

The promotion of cultural programs and people to people interactions between New Jersey and Israel is a priority of the Commission. This includes building awareness and promoting diversity between communities in both states.


Technology, Innovation, and Science

Connecting New Jersey and Israel’s high tech and scientific communities is of high priority. The Commission is focused on encouraging partnerships, programs, and economic opportunities that strengthen this essential bridge.



The Commission maintains a steering committee with a special focus on participation for official Commission business.


Karin Elkis
Mark Levenson

Senate Representatives
Senator James Beach
Senator Linda R. Greenstein
Senator Robert W. Singer
Senator Michael L. Testa Jr.

Assembly Representatives
Assemblywoman Pamela R. Lampitt
Assemblyman Gary S. Schaer

Public Members & Members by Committee

Business and Trade
Michael Feldstein, Chair
Tal Shuster, Vice-Chair
Mr. Yoram Behiri
Ms. Sarah Biser
Mr. Yoram Elgrabli
Mr. Michael Feldstein
Hon. Phil Goldfeder
Mr. Abe Halberstam
Mr. Nathan Herzog
Mr. Howard Joffe
Mr. Elias Mattar
Ambassador Michael Oren
Mr. Pinakin Pathak
Mr. Michael Pock
Deputy Mayor Jason Ravitz
Ms. Lori Sackler
Mr. Joe Shamie
Ms. Tal Shuster
Mr. Daniel Straus
Mayor Michael Wildes
Mr. Jerold Zaro
Mr. Ralph Zucker


Culture and Community Engagement
Allison Nagelberg, Chair
Michael Cohen, Vice-Chair
Mr. Shahar Azran
Ms. Miri Ben-Ari
Rabbi Yosef Carlebach
Rabbi Menachem Carlebach
Mr. Michael Cohen
Ms. Leslie Dannin Rosenthal
Ms. Jennifer Davis-Toth
Ms. Archie Gottesman
Rabbi Aaron Kotler
Mr. Harris Laufer
Mr. Lawrence Lerner
Mrs. Sharon Levine Corzine
Ms. Allison Nagelberg
Mr. Alex Rosemberg
Mr. Jason Shames
Ms. Sarri Singer
Ms. Karen Small
Ms. Ariella Steinreich
Mr. Roy Tanzman
Mr. Jacob Toporek
Ms. Audrey Wilf


Prof. Gary Minkoff, Chair
Calvin Souder, Vice-Chair
Ms. Shari Blecher
Dr. Vivian Fuhrman
Ms. Ginger Gold Schnitzer
Ms. Sheri Goldberg
Prof. Janice Harrington Knopf
Ms. Nina Kampler
Ms. Lori Klinghoffer
Council President Ora Kornbluth
Ambassador Daniel Kurtzer
Dr. Margaret McMenamin
Prof. Gary Minkoff
Ms. Alise Panitch
Dr. Harriet Sepinwall
Mr. Harry Silver
Mr. Calvin Souder
Ms. Debra Tantleff
Council Member Lisa Wisotsky


Technology, Innovation, and Science
Ido Zairi, Chair
Wendy Lazarus, Vice-Chair
Dr. Bob Benedon
Ms. Angelica Berrie
Mr. Bruce Brafman
Mr. Jonathan Frenkel
Mr. Dror Futter
Dr. Craig Gotsman
Mr. Oz Halabi
Ms. Laura Herschlag
Ms. Wendy Lazarus
Mr. Mark Peroff
Mr. Ari Rabban
Mr. Norman Rokeach
Mr. Joel Strauss
Mr. Ido Zairi
County Commissioner Tracy Zur


Karin Elkis, Co-Chair
Mark Levenson, Co-Chair
Ms. Ginger Gold Schnitzer
Mr. Michael Pock
Mr. Harry Silver
Mr. Roy Tanzman
County Commissioner Tracy Zur


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