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Department of State

New Jersey Office of Faith Based Initiatives

The Hon. Tahesha Way, Lt. Governor and Secretary of State
Peer Review

Peer Review FAQs


What is a Peer Review?
The OFBI engages persons with expertise from various fields to read applications and provide an analysis and rating of the quality of each grant application based upon published selection criteria. The ratings submitted by the Peer Reviewers are considered by the OFBI in making funding decisions and to provide feedback to applicants.

What are the responsibilities of Reviewers?
The primary responsibilities of Reviewers are to participate in the provided orientations and trainings, and to read, and provided an appraisal of applications.

What are the qualifications of Peer Reviewers?
We seek a diverse group of people with expertise in a variety of relevant areas and ability to objectively assess the quality of grant applications. Reviewers should be comfortable reading submitted applications in a defined period of time and be capable of providing in-depth analysis, and/or participating in small group discussions about the applications.

What is the time commitment for participating in a review?
The OFBI’s peer review process is a time-intensive and time-sensitive activity. Once chosen as a peer review a schedule of actin items will be emailed to peer reviewers.

What are other benefits of being a peer reviewer or facilitator?
Participating in a review is an excellent professional development opportunity, as well as a chance to serve and network with other peer reviewers. The peer review experience provides an in-depth look at the work and efforts of a grant evaluation process; this provides perspective and skills that are applicable in other professional endeavors.

All approved peer reviewers will receive a stipend. Stipend amount will be based on the number of applications you’re assigned.

If I work or serve in an OFBI-funded program or my organization is applying for OFBI funds, may I serve as a Reviewer or Panel Coordinator?
Yes you can serve as a peer reviewer, however if there is a conflict of interest you will be asked to recuse yourself from reviewing those identified applications.

Who do I contact if I have a question?
If you have specific questions about the content of the peer reviewer application, or additional questions about the peer review experience, please e-mail us at: and/or call us at 609-984-6952.


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