Do you know why the 2020 Census matters?
Do you know how participating can help your community?
Watch the video to find out!
Partners are critical to the success of a complete and accurate count in 2020. Do you know why the 2020 Census matters? Do you know how participating can help your community? Learn more here US Census Bureau
Counting for Dollars 2020: The Role of the Decennial Census in the Geographic Distribution of Federal Funds by George Washington University Institute of Public Policy 9/3/19
This report identifies each federal program that geographically distributes financial assistance based, in whole or part, on data derived from the Decennial Census; and ascertains the connection between Decennial Census accuracy and the equitable distribution of funds to states and local areas.
Toward a Fair and Accurate Census 2020 policy paper from The Fund for New Jersey
US Census Bureau: the History of the Decennial Census of Population and Housing
Why did I get a Census Survey? Help for Survey (Census) Participants US Census Bureau 2019. This site provides answers about our surveys (Census) and who to contact for more information.
The Census Project
The Census Project is a broad-based coalition of national, state, and local organizations that support an inclusive and accurate 2020 Census and American Community Survey (ACS) (the modern version of the census “long form”). Its member organizations, representing the private, public, non-profit, and academic sectors, rely on objective data that the Census Bureau produces to inform evidence-based investment, policy and planning decisions.
National Conference of State Legislatures 2020 Census Resources and Legislation
NCSL is a bipartisan organization providing states support, ideas, connections and a strong voice on Capitol Hill.
United States Census
United States Census Bureau
American Community Survey ongoing annual survey conducted by Census Bureau
United States Economic Census survey conducted every five years by Census Bureau to measure American business and the economy
US Census Bureau QUICKFACTS New Jersey QuickFacts provides statistics for all states and counties, and for cities and towns with a population of 5,000 or more.
NJ Department of Human Services Programs for Individuals & Families
NJ Division of Elections Register vote, find your polling location, check your registration status and more.
NJ Motor Vehicle Commission Driver license, vehicle registration and more
NJ Transparency Center Find out how NJ tax dollars are spent