From now through September 30th there will be Census activities across New Jersey as organizers and volunteers work to ensure that their communities Get Out The Count (GOTC) and ask those residents who haven’t responded yet to Fill It Out Now! Everything you need to help with that effort is right here. Do your part and Fill it Out NOW at 2020CENSUS.GOV.
GOTC Support Materials
Census GOTC Resources
Census GOTC Activity Examples
NEW! Census Kiosk Volunteer Training Toolkit
How To Host A Census Kiosk
Event Organizing 101
Census Ambassador Presentation
Have an Event Planned? Tell Us!
Register your NEW JERSEY GOTC Event
(Now - September 30, 2020)
Download: Full Organizing Toolkit - Updated 01/30/20
Full Organizing Toolkit - Spanish Version
Support Materials:
Local Complete Count Committee Organizing Worksheet
Census Activity Planning Calendars/Sheets
Activity Tracking Sheet
Event Organizing 101
How To Host A Census Kiosk
Organizing A Census Job Fair
Blizzarding (Flyering)
Commit to Count Pledge Cards
Letters to the Editor (LTE)
Event Sign-In Sheet
NEW - Kiosk Health & Safety Guide
NEW - Census Media Toolkit
On July 13th, we held a refresher course on how to host an effective and informative Census event in preparation for Census Push Week (July 27- August 2, 2020). Representatives from the U.S. Census Bureau and New Jersey Secretary of State informed advocates how to best move forward and ensure an accurate count for the 2020 Census.
Watch The PUSH Week Organizing Refresher Webinar
Watch the Census PUSH Week Kickoff Webinar
Census Push Week Presentation
Census Push Week Organizing Refresher Presentation
Census Push Week Resources
Census Push Week Activity Examples
Have an Event Planned? Tell Us!
Register your NEW JERSEY Census Push Week Event (July 24-August 2, 2020)
Download: Census Organizing Training Presentation
Support Materials:
Training Presentation with notes
We are launching the NJ Friends and Family Census Outreach Project. It’s very basic and built on the notion of a phone tree. And it’s easily done from the comfort of your home.
How does it work? – Ask at least five (5) friends, neighbors or family members to fill out their Census form. And then ask those who agree to call 5 of their friends and family members. And so on, and so on.
2020 Census Complete Count Committees interactive map to locate Complete Count Committees locally or nationally. This data visualization is best viewed on a laptop or desktop computer.
Access data through products and tools including data visualizations, mobile apps, interactive web apps and other software. Visit the CENSUS ACADEMY the Virtual Hub for Learning Data Skills with webinars, online courses and more
HTC 2020 by CUNY Mapping Service at the City University of New York's Graduate Center.
Online searchable maps of Hard To Count (HTC) populations using Census Bureau’s The Planning Database (2010) and American Community Survey (2013-2017) and other tools
ROAM: Response Outreach Area Mapper by US Census Bureau
Developed to make it easier to identify hard-to-survey areas and to provide a socioeconomic and demographic characteristic profile of these areas using American Community Survey (ACS) estimates available in the Planning Database.
NJ Community Assets map NJ Department of Community Affairs
Interactive mapping tool that allows users to view assets, amenities, and special designations in NJ’s 565 municipalities including economic, housing and demographic data to help user gain better understanding of the characteristics and amenities within NJ communities.
New Jersey Geographic Information Network (NJGIN) Open Data by NJ Office of Information Technology
Here you can explore hundreds of spatial datasets across the state. Search by keyword above or click on one of the popular tags
Annual Average Daily Traffic Flow (AADTF) map by NJ Department of Transportation
The Census Counts is a collaborative campaign involving more than 15 national organizations and dozens of community partners in more than 30 states working together to make sure that the 2020 Census is fair and accurate—so that our communities do not miss out on the political power they deserve and the resources their communities have earned.
Great organizing tools and webinars!
New York Regional Office
The New York Regional Office is responsible for all data collection, data dissemination, and geographic operations under the current service area boundaries.
United States Census of Population and Housing
View the Census reports compiled from the census surveys conducted every ten years from 1790 – 2010. This reports generalized data to tells us who we are and where we are going as a nation. The census helps our communities determine where to build everything from schools to supermarkets, and from homes to hospitals. It helps the government decide how to distribute funds and assistance to states and localities. It is also used to draw the lines of legislative districts and reapportion the seats each State holds in Congress.
The 1940 CENSUS View the 1940 Census! Find the entries of family, friends and famous Americans. Scanned pages of
1790 - 1930 Census Records The National Archives has the census schedules on microfilm available from 1790 to 1940..
US Census Bureau Library
Census Bureau library contains audio, video, mobile apps, images, and publications for public use.
US Census Bureau FOREIGN Language outreach materials
US Census Bureau Language Glossaries These language glossaries provide translations of commonly used terms for the 2020 Census.
New Jersey Counts in 2020 by Fund for NJ
Downloadable 2-sided pdf with graphics explaining what the Census is and why it is important to NJ residents.
The Census Project Toolkit
The toolkit offers information, resources and guidance for local stakeholder organizations who want to create a coalition in their area/state to help preserve a fair and accurate decennial census and a comprehensive ACS.
US Census Bureau photo library
Download official Census Bureau operations and activities photos released by the U.S. Census Bureau. These photos may include stock photos.
NJ State facts for Kids from US Census Bureau website
U.S. and World Population Clock (CAN WE EMBEDDED ON WEBSITE?)
Censo 2020 Materiales Pre-K