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Department of State

New Jersey State Museum

The Hon. Tahesha Way, Lt. Governor and Secretary of State
Museum Updates:

NOTICE: The Museum Shop will be closed on July 2 for inventory and will re-open July 3.
The Museum will be closed on Thursday, July 4 for the holiday and will re-open regular hours on Friday, July 5.


Digital Resources

Gallery Guides

The New Jersey State Museum is excited to offer gallery guides that encourage students to engage and explore each of our long-term exhibits. Teachers can use these guides to help plan their class visit to the Museum. Guides will be available to pick up in limited quantities in the Museum lobby, so we encourage teachers to download guides for their students prior to the visit.

Written in the Rocks Guide
Planetarium Lobby Guide
An American Perspective Guide
Cultures in Competition/Much Moved People Guide


Small Explorers Videos

Small Explorers videos can be viewed on the Museum’s YouTube page


Fine Feathered Friends

Fine Feathered Friends: Birds as Mainstay and Muse, a popular multi-disciplinary exhibition about the cultural and natural history of birds, was on view at the New Jersey State Museum from Jan. 4, 2020 – Mar. 6, 2022. A partnership between the Bureau of Cultural History and Bureau of Natural History, the 10-part videos series below was created to help viewers experience the hundreds of artifacts and specimens from the exhibit and some unknown stories about New Jersey’s favorite fine, feathered friends.


Fine Feathered Friends
Bird is the Word


Fine Feathered Friends
Birds in Textiles


Fine Feathered Friends
War Eagles of Charles Livingston Bull


Fine Feathered Friends
Helen's Feathered Friends


Fine Feathered Friends
Birds as Food


Fine Feathered Friends
Audubon's Other Jersey Birds


Fine Feathered Friends
Backyard Birds


Fine Feathered Friends
The Little Blue Heron


Fine Feathered Friends
Why Is Our State Bird Our State Bird?


Fine Feathered Friends
The Osprey

2021 March Maker Projects

March Maker
#1 Madame Washington

Supply List Project #1


March Maker
#2 DNA Extraction

Supply List Project #2


March Maker
#3 Lewis Howard Latimer

Supply List Project #3


March Maker
#4 Mary Dixon Kies

Supply List Project #4


Maker Space

Maker Space
Project 1 - Scratch Art

Supply List Project 1


Maker Space
Project 2 - Bird Weaving

Supply List Project 2


Maker Space
Project 3 - Color Diffusion Art

Supply List Project 3


Maker Space
Project 4 - DIY Foosball

Supply List Project 4


Maker Space
Project 5 - Slinky Salamander

Supply List Project 5


Maker Space
Project 6 - Mini Book Making

Supply List Project 6


Maker Space
Project 7 - Butterflies

Supply List Project 7


Maker Space
Project 8 - Fossils Impressions

Supply List Project 8


Maker Space
Project 9 - Beaded Message

Supply List Project 9


Maker Space
Project 10 - Turtle Bookmark

Supply List Project 10


Maker Space
Project 11 - Dandelion Painting and Model

Supply List Project 11


Maker Space
Project 12 - NASA SpaceX Moblie

Supply List Project 12


Maker Space
Project 13 - Predator Prey Game

Supply List Project 13


Maker Space
Project 14 - Lava Lamp

Supply List Project 14


Maker Space
Project 15 - Pottery

Supply List Project 15

The Yorktown Cup Story

This short documentary video explores the unknown history of the Yorktown Cup, an exquisite sterling silver trophy made by the world-renowned jewelers Tiffany & Co. and awarded to the state of New Jersey for its role at the centennial commemoration of the Battle of Yorktown. The battle was the final, decisive engagement of the Revolutionary War and ensured victory for the American forces.

The magnificent detail of the hand-hammered cup includes etched and engraved scenes of the battle, profile portraits of famous Revolutionary War heroes, and an intricately-modeled Continental soldier in full uniform. The production of this magnificent piece of silver illustrates the process by which artists and artisans in the 19th and 20th centuries have used their work to “Remember the Revolution,” ensuring its long and lasting legacy as a source of creative inspiration and a defining moment in American history.

The Yorktown Cup is a featured object in the New Jersey State Museum permanent collection.




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