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Department of State

New Jersey State Museum

The Hon. Tahesha Way, Lt. Governor and Secretary of State

Annual Girl Scout event: See the World as a Scientist

Feb. 22

Join us for the annual Girl Scout Day; a science-filled day focusing on astronomy and space, citizen science, and STEM careers.

Details and registration.

Small Explorers

Small Explorers: Shapes & Colors

Feb. 8, 9:45 am, 11:00 am, and 12:00 noon

Our world is made of colors and shapes, it’s what we see all around us! Small Explorers will check out some colorful art in our new Robert Duran exhibit, actively explore colorful objects and create a mandala art piece to take home. Register.


Science Under the Stars: Cosmic Jazz: Sonification of Galaxies

Feb. 22, 4:15 pm

Join us in the Planetarium for this talk with Dr. Carrie Filion, Center for Computational Astrophysics
Sonification is the mapping of data to sounds, and through sonification we can transform galaxy data into tones that we can hear. These sounds capture the patterns that can be seen with our eyes and tell us about the structure of the galaxy. In this lecture, we will listen to galaxy data and discover how sonification works. We will also learn how scientists are using the tools and techniques underlying these sonifications to gain new insight into how galaxies evolve in time.


Museum Shop – New Hours

The Museum Online Shop is closed. Please visit us in-person during operating hours, Tuesday & Friday - Sunday, 11 am - 4 pm.

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